About us

Authentic Confinement Meals For Perfect Confinement

Xing Yun Signature wishes all mothers to feel our dedication of food preparation as well as love for mothers' health through our confinement dishes that are prepared by our well-experienced and specialised confinement chefs.

We have always placed great importance on fresh ingredients, carefully selected herbs to provide a large variety of confinement dishes and excellent customer service. Therefore, earning numerous good reviews and with years of experience in confinement meal preparation, it has allowed us to be vastly different from commercialised confinement meals.

Your choice to go with us will always be correct.

The Origin and Importance of Confinement Meals

Confinement is very important for women. Many possible future ailments might arise if improperly done. If confinement is performed perfectly, it will be the greatest opportunity to reshape a woman's physique and health for the better. Therefore, the food eaten during confinement period must be nutritious and healthy.

Xing Yun Signature combined the essence of confinement meals from Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia, focusing on improving physique and health through food nutrition.

We formulated our signature confinement meals through a fusion of Western and Chinese style food medicinal nutrition principles. Our chefs also provide a large variety of nutritious and delicious food, free of MSG, that will make it an unforgettable experience for every mummy and daddy.

We offer the unique eight-flavoured red dates tea and mummy's favourite ginger rice tea. Both drinks not only replenish blood, supplement nutrition, but also lose weight and drive away dampness (驱湿).

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Confinement Meal Tonic Tips

Mothers who have just given birth are very weak. They advised against taking supplements blindly. Supplementation through food nutrition should be adjusted according to stages of either natural birth or caesarean section. Confinement meals would be tailored to meet the different needs of mothers at different stages, and are divided into eight stages:

• Day 1 to Day 4 postpartum: to remove lochia, reduce and remove clotted blood, reduce swelling and heal wound.Day 4 to Day 8 postpartum: Remove clotted blood and reduce swelling. Repair any body damage and heal wound area especially swelling. Promotes lactation, stimulates milk ducts and increase secretion.
• Day 8 to Day 12 postpartum: Organs and tissues repair and regulation. Milk volume increase. Promotes uterine contraction and restoration of the uterus.
• Day 12 to Day 16 postpartum: Boost physical fitness. Higher quantity and quality of milk using fusion Chinese and Western diets. Improve recovery rates of organs.
• Day 16 to Day 20 postpartum: Health and fitness boost. Nourish "Qi" 气 and blood. Rejuvenate body cells to boost health and fitness of body and organs back to healthy state.
• Day 20 to Day 24 postpartum: Boost vitality, nourishes blood and cells. Revitalize internal organs, improves immune system, rejuvenate cells.
• Day 24 to Day 28 postpartum: Regulate "Qi" 气 and nourish blood. Revitalize body fitness and further improve postpartum health state by body detoxification and immunity enhancement.
• Day 28 to Day 42 postpartum: Improve skin radiance, increase skin moisture levels. Rejuvenation of skin and revitalization of body health and fitness through authentic medicinal confinement meals. Restoration of the body, muscles, elasticity and facial cells are achieved. Concurrently, it is still advisable and necessary to attain a balanced and nutritious diet according to individuals.